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Imagine a world, that combines every period up the Cretaceous together. Well it isn't far fetch because of the works of The BIS Project. A project hosted by Conor Wolfe and Rheanna Claire, to save a now near destroyed Earth. The project was simple, Change the past. Opening a rift in time where they and three other scientists altered it's time lines. That was all until it went unstable, sucking them all into their world that was still incomplete. Now choose who you will be, each having their own special attributes and survival instincts. Find each other, before something else finds them.

Kill or be killed as you face off against enemies of both small and large, as there are over 50+ Creatures confirmed to be in the game, and more to be added. Explore a large and living world ranging from melting hot swamps and deserts, too freezing coasts and forests.  Survive against hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, wildfires and earthquakes. Try and make it back home, or will you just stay and now live in this new earth, abandoning the old? It is your choice.

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